The City Magazine Since 1975


August 2020
Motherland Essentials's artful soaps pamper and protect

June 2020
Local family launched Sohp Shop in March

July 2019
Forget the beach: One Daniel Island family—and their steady stream of visitors—soaks up summer fun at home along the...

June 2019
Quintin Middleton of Middleton Made Knives shares tips on staying sharp in the kitchen

November 2017
The latest news in fashion and shopping around Charleston

September 2017
The Lowcountry Blessing Box Project takes off

May 2017
Mother’s Day gifts by Charleston-based makers 

May 2017
Fresh Future Farm’s store sells affordable, fresh-as-it-gets fare in the midst of a local food desert 

July 2016
Smithey Ironware is creating heirloom cookware with a contemporary look

December 2016

April 2015

July 2014
Lend Habitat a hand with new local soaps  

January 2014
Discoveries, innovation, exploration

January 2013
Visionary duo Leighton and Tara Derr Webb reinvent their lives with a culinary-meets-conceptual art venture

January 2013
As any Southerner will tell you, true Dixie cooking is done with cast iron. But woe to he who mistreats this often-...

October 2011
JOHN HENRY DICK - a renowned bird painter; hunter-turned-conservationist; global explorer; author; photographer; and “a...

August 2010
The Charleston Fashion Week Emerging Designer finalist talks about her children’s clothing line, inherited style, and...

June 2010
Help Dad hit the road in style with handsome dopp kits and travel-friendly toiletries

March 2008
Moss comes in handy for all variety of floral arrangements, not only for adding texture and color, but also for...

March 2009
Inspired to seek out some colorful tins of your own? First, get the scoop on collecting and caring for vintage and...

September 2009
Indulge in at-home pampering with spa products for soothing body and soul

June 2009
Globe-trotting’s the ticket to bliss for this local mover and shaker—as long as he can come home to the Holy City

September 2008
The perfect picnic is one that’s seasonally inspired but not time-consuming, inventive but not tough to transport. Here...