The City Magazine Since 1975

Hot or Not?

Hot or Not?
January 2014
The Charleston dining scene is always evolving. One day it’s checks in Mason jars, the next it’s bubble tea and bánh mì. We asked some of the folks on the F&B inside to share what’s in and out for 2014

“I am absolutely tired of the media-driven trends. If we allow the media to keep fueling these new hypes, we will be eating smoked bark with rabbit droppings by the end of the year, and I for one have no desire for it.”
— Mickey Bakst, GM, Charleston Grill

“I’m hoping to see a continued expansion into ethnic dining diversity and especially have my fingers crossed for an extra delicious, intimate, French restaurant.“
— Holly Herrick, cookbook author/food writer

“Look for more permutations of fermentation, from handcrafted soy sauce to sour beer, kimchi to kombucha.”
— Marion Sullivan, Charleston food editor

“Authenticity is in. Ego and marketing are out.”
— Jeff Allen, Charleston food critic

“Pork belly has jumped the shark. And, as much as I love crème brûlée, I see it on the wane, due to the weird combinations imposed on the classic—passion fruit and chocolate, raspberries sogging up the caramel crust, and such.”
— Nathalie Dupree, cookbook author

“Pork will be a mainstay but a lot of menus are trending towards vegetables and seafood.”
— Steve Palmer, managing partner, Indigo Road Restaurant Group

“One trend that’s come and gone is food trucks. For awhile it seemed like there was a new truck every other week! But the food truck population dwindled pretty quickly.“
— Ashley Zink, Marketing & Communications manager, Charleston Wine + Food Festival

“2014 is all about local fruit and veg—everything from the swingle citrumelo to garnet mustard frills.“
— Sara Clow, GM, GrowFood Carolina
