The City Magazine Since 1975

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June 2020
How to plant, harvest, and enjoy summer’s sweet rewards

May 2020
While we’re all doing our part, staying home to prevent the spread of the coronavirus, four photographers transport us...

December 2019
The nationally renowned designer shares the how-tos behind her North Central home’s whimsical woodland holiday...

December 2019
Tracing the origins of a holiday decorating tradition

September 2019
Preparing for a major museum exhibition, classical realist painter Jill Hooper finds herself in good company—and she’s...

September 2019
Gossypium has been spun as “the fabric of our lives” for good reason. Scientists have discovered evidence of cotton...

May 2019
Rising star sommeliers Miles White and Femi Oyediran of Graft prepare Nigerian and Indian-inspired dishes for the women...

May 2019
This slightly effervescent Basque wine is your new summer favorite

March 2019
11 Cannon St. - - @babasoncannon

January 2019
After a military career that took them around the world, Dr. Melvin and Deborah Brown return home, regularly hosting...

September 2018
Charleston dishes are getting a savory spin with za’atar, a Middle Eastern spice blend

April 2018
With help from Caribbean-influenced designer Allison Elebash, Kirk and Tara King turned an 1890s Sullivan’s Island...

April 2018
With evergreen curiosity and a deep-seeded love of plants, Patti McGee cultivates the quintessential Southern garden—a...

February 2018
A 1960s brick ranch in West Ashley’s Old Charles Towne neighborhood gets a cool makeover with a mix of mid-century...

November 2017
19 Broad St. (843) 789-4509 Mon-Sat., 4-10 p.m.

July 2017
19 Vendue Range (843) 414-2334

May 2017
Make the most of a sunny spot with these superstar zinnia selections

March 2017
Our taste-and-tell guide to some of the latest food and beverage openings in Charleston

February 2017
Every few years, we survey Charleston’s culinary scene, asking area gourmands, food writers, and other F...

February 2017
One of the few forest creatures regularly spied by city- and suburb-dwellers today, the white-tailed deer—the official...

November 2016
710 King St. (843) 531-6868

September 2016
For lasting autumn interest, try this combination 

May 2016
Artist Jonathan Green brings a colorful dose of African cultural authenticity to the Spoleto stage

February 2016
Activist and educator DR. MILLICENT BROWN was a “first child” to integrate Charleston public schools in 1963 and today...

September 2015
Plan for a colorful spring by planting perennials this autumn

September 2014
Alongside the farm-to-table movement, there’s been a rise in grower Champagnes, made in the eponymous region of France...

July 2015
Embrace the steamy season with vibrant blooms

June 2015
Can’t decide between red and white? Opt for orange—essentially a white made from grapes macerated in their skins, à la...

May 2015
These fragrant blooms signal the arrival of spring