After wowing audiences the world over with their soulful, get-up-and-dance versions of Sea Island spirituals and work...
Ranky Tanky aims to share its contemporary expression of Gullah music ’round the globe
40 Ideas to Better Yourself—and Your City—in 2015
May 26, TD Arena, 301 Meeting St., Monday, 7 p.m., $45-$65
Catch up with guitarist Lee Barbour, who creates surf jazz, gypsy swing, and more
At The Mezz, the focus is on the music
Local musician, promoter, writer, and scholar Jack McCray illuminates the Charleston music scene
Classic comfort, impeccable service, and the gracious cuisine of Charleston Grill executive chef Michelle Weaver make...
From big band and Latin to bop and contemporary, the local jazz scene blows hot and cool with shimmering sound and fury
Playing upon natural rhythm and a lifelong passion for music, Charleston Jazz Orchestra artistic director Charlton...
The beat on a local jazz drummer
Take another listen to the smooth sounds of the ’50s and ’60s