The City Magazine Since 1975


July 2020
The North Charleston native on his biggest role yet

May 2020
Swig & Swine’s Anthony DiBernardo shares some favorites and how his restaurant is faring through the pandemic

March 2020
Tag along on our weekend getaway and discover the new restaurants and bars, cool shops, and ever-expanding art scene

March 2020
The plantation was recently named an "International Site of Conscience"

March 2020
This local nonprofit throws parties with a purpose to collect bras and underwear for women in need

January 2020
The Varnville artist debuts new works at Charleston show in February

December 2019
Meet the farmer and visionary who founded Fresh Future Farm, a nonprofit farm and grocery store, to serve a food desert...

September 2019
Preparing for a major museum exhibition, classical realist painter Jill Hooper finds herself in good company—and she’s...

September 2019

April 2019
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION: Meet some local pros with expertise on living well in the Lowcountry, from selecting a...

March 2019
The Charleston Profile: Carolyne Roehm’s elegant simplicity and hard work made her an icon of international design, and...

March 2019
Metanoia and Lowcountry Local First are working to revitalize a key block of North Charleston

January 2019
The groundbreaking Turning Leaf Project helps men find purpose after incarceration

December 2018
The Stone Soup Collective draws on volunteer power to sell healthy soups and serve seniors in need 

December 2018
Carl Blum has invested decades of engineering ingenuity into his model train layout 

November 2018
After a barrier-breaking career, North Charleston’s indomitable Johanna Martin-Carrington is still breaking new ground...

November 2018
In mid-century Charleston, The Book Basement served equally as shop, salon, and safe space

October 2018
Take a closer look at some of the threatened and endangered species that call the South Carolina Lowcountry home

October 2018
Jenny Broe, choreographer and owner of local studio Dance Lab, is pushing the limits of Charleston’s dance scene

July 2018
A 12-year-old partnership between two cultures is transforming one African village 

May 2018
Charleston’s growth has been a boon for, and in part driven by, its creative community. The return of festival season...

April 2018
Meet the “nature nerd” helping guide TheBEND

December 2017
What will you be giving your true loves this holiday season? We used the old English carol as inspiration for a variety...

December 2017
Miniature artist Ken Hamilton makes a huge deal of tiny things

September 2017
Charleston Stage set designer Nicole Bianco brings stories to life with her three-dimensional creations

June 2014
835 Coleman Blvd.

March 2017
Freida Sokol and Howard Ozment of WTMA radio station model merchandise from Berlin’s Clothing circa 1957 

December 2016
Affordabike is designing a more bike-centric city, one set of wheels at a time

November 2016
A new album, a new baby, and a new take on some old-as-the-hillbillies rock ’n’ roll truths keep Charleston’s favorite...