The City Magazine Since 1975


August 2020
How they navigate those big ships into port

July 2020
Allegiance Flag Supply's banners are made in the U.S.A.

March 2020
Tag along on our weekend getaway and discover the new restaurants and bars, cool shops, and ever-expanding art scene

October 2019
The Cassidy Cup spotlights Lowcountry Maritime School’s program to teach children boat building

September 2019
GOLFTEC diagnoses bad habits to shave strokes off your round

July 2019
Heatworks’ Tetra dishwasher might just revolutionize the way we do dishes

May 2019
Meet the genius, ambassador, advocate, and Lowcountry legend whose many titles and accolades reflect more than half a...

March 2019

February 2019
Mepkin Abbey’s monks get oyster and shiitake mushrooms into the hands of the city’s top restaurants

December 2018
Bring year-round luminosity to your landscape with pro tips from Charleston-based Moonlighting

December 2018
Cougar Night Lights returns with even more holiday fun

November 2018
The Establishment - 28 Broad St. - (843) 789-4028

September 2018
Silversmith Kaminer Haislip’s elegant-but-practical works are on display in a new City Gallery exhibit

August 2018
Organizers offer tips for making the most of your visit

July 2018
*/ Ring in Independence Day with these area events

June 2018
Dolphin sightings in local waters are always magical, but these enchanting marine mammals face serious challenges. Get...

May 2018
With help from architectural designer Hunter Kennedy, Charleston Artist Collective founder Allison Williamson and her...

May 2018
Local startup Citibot is “democratizing democracy” 

December 2017
The iOKids app is boosting kids’ virtual abilities 

October 2017

June 2017
Summer Guide 2017

June 2017
The new HOBA app lets users hail boats now—or reserve them for later

May 2017
For a poignant, action-packed read, pick up Michel Stone’s new Border Child

April 2017
On April 7 and 8, Old Towne Creek County Park blooms into a gardener’s paradise: the 16th annual Plantasia, organized...

An area nonprofit has spent a quarter-century preserving South Carolina’s historic battle sites—and it’s far from...

January 2017
CrowdReach helps small businesses master customer communication

December 2016
In the cool clarity of winter, one writer contemplates the advantages of approaching his “Golden Years”

November 2016
Web developer Rich Yessian’s home in the sky makes for a rare modern addition to downtown’s historic landscape

October 2016
Catching up with Edith Howle, curator of TEDxCharleston, in advance of the October 19 event