The City Magazine Since 1975


April 2020
As the Lowcountry heads into shrimp season, we catch up with the unlikely fishing industry advocate at the helm of...

February 2020
After years of catching a diverse array of fish for the city’s finest restaurants, the sustainable seafood champion is...

November 2019
Three grilling recipes with chef Jeremiah Bacon

April 2019
From Edisto and Beaufort to McClellanville and Georgetown, each morning during shrimp season the air fills with the...

August 2018
Can you believe this mid-century vista shows the same hectic intersection of Coleman and Whilden where drivers can now...

September 2016
Charleston associate editor Jenny Ouellette went behind the scenes of a cooking show featuring two of our area’s...

August 2016
The Sewee tribe of Native Americans was first to live along this waterway’s shores and gave it the name “Shemee” (...

August 2016
“They say we’re a dying breed,” says fourth-generation shrimper Franklin Rector. “That’s nowhere near true. Every year...

August 2016
How Shem Creek fares in Mount Pleasant’s current population and development boom is a microcosm of growing pains...

August 2016
A longtime resident ponders the natural blessings bestowed upon us

January 2015
40 Ideas to Better Yourself—and Your City—in 2015

June 2014
Frank McMahon of Hank’s and Brasserie Gigi shares three dishes starring local shellfish

June 2013
30 fun, cultural, educational, and downright quirky destinations for sunny-day adventures  

June 2013
The law says “lights out” during nesting season, but all things loggerhead are in the limelight as this beloved  yet...

May 2013
They nurture and try to guide us from the moment we’re born—whether or not we heed their advice is another story.... In...

February 2013
What 71 Charlestonians, both single and attached, had to say about the local dating scene, their best and worst dates,...

January 2013
Things Every Local Must Experience Whether your bloodline dates back generations or you just moved to town, check out...

August 2016
Books I wish I’d written, and how Pat Conroy got there first

January 2010
Books I wish I’d written, and how Pat Conroy got there first

November 2009
They begin their long days before dawn, the sun greeting them as it skims the horizon. This is the calm that belies the...