The City Magazine Since 1975

Robert Prioleau

Robert Prioleau
August 2011
One of the creative minds behind digital marketing company Blue Ion shares his passion for blues tunes, outdoor adventuring, and the wild West







On the Board: “Skateboarding keeps me connected to my youth, and I think it’s a legitimate way to get around town.”


Lone Star Style:
“I grew up split between New England and Texas, so I always have this longing for the West—and Western wear.”





Notable Artist: “The color and rawness of Lamar Sorrento’s work mesmerizes me. This is a young B.B. King.”



Feeling the Blues: “The harmonica is the only instrument I can play, and I love the blues. This Hohner Golden Melody has an extra nice feel.”







Nice Shot: “Peter Frank Edwards took this in his backyard on New Year’s Day. I was showing Isabel how to shoot a BB gun.”







Patrón Patron: “Tequila makes me feel seven feet tall—in a good, not destructive, way.”



Mad for iPad: “Apple does a beautiful job making technology desirable. It becomes a fashion statement.”


Life Cycler: “I’ve loved biking since I was a kid and now get to ride around town every day. This is my current love—an old Nishiki 10-speed.”







Ride Share: “I love paddleboarding around Sullivan’s on my Maya board. Isabel likes to join me on our other board, and is getting pretty good at paddling.”


On the Job: “Each good business has its own essence. We help clients unleash it, and that’s really cool to watch happen.”
Off Hours: “My family and I are usually exploring outdoors—walking downtown, hiking, fishing, crabbing, or surfing. It’s about breathing good air and observing.”
In the Elements: “Nothing cleanses my mind like going on a run, especially during a downpour. You’re out in this funny, crazy rainstorm and forget you’re running.”
