The City Magazine Since 1975

Fort Sumter

February 2019
Take a taste-filled walk down memory lane through some of Charleston’s most beloved 20th-century eateries, from seafood...

October 2018
Meet the longest-acting employee of Charleston’s famous Fort Sumter 

April 2018
With help from Caribbean-influenced designer Allison Elebash, Kirk and Tara King turned an 1890s Sullivan’s Island...

June 2017
Summer Guide 2017

June 2017
Summer Guide 2017

February 2017
After a childhood abroad, Suzanne Pollak brings her global style and a penchant for blending classic and quirky pieces...

November 2016
In this circa-1945 photograph, WAVES Specialists 3rd class Nora Scott and Virginia Chenoweth are at work in the control...

April 2015

July 2013
Preservationist and Civil War reenactor Joseph McGill sleeps in former slave dwellings to bring attention to the other...

January 2013
Things Every Local Must Experience Whether your bloodline dates back generations or you just moved to town, check out...

June 2012
Revel in historical sophistication, minutes from town

January 2012
As the Gibbes Museum of Art mounts a retrospective exhibition of artist Alfred Hutty's works—some 65 paintings,...

September 2011
Bricks made at area plantations helped provide the wealth of architecture for which the city is renowned today

July 2011
It’s July. Summer has set in, and the novelty of no school and long days has worn off. So what’s a family to do? Plenty...

April 2011
Secession, slavery, states’ rights. Flag controversies, reenactments, monuments. The Civil War conjures ghosts and...

March 2011
Artist and actress Alicia Rhett ventured from the Holy City to Hollywood and back again

December 2010
The secession banner presided over this state's withdrawal from the Union 150 years ago

Seeking out the mysterious truths beyond the brickwork at Fort Sumter