The City Magazine Since 1975


June 2020
The distillery has reopned at its new Park Circle location

April 2020
What’s happening this month

March 2020
What’s happening this month

March 2020
Tag along on our weekend getaway and discover the new restaurants and bars, cool shops, and ever-expanding art scene

March 2020
Cristy Pratt's design can be worn more than 60 ways

February 2020
Think you've dined your way across the Holy City? Chefs and local personalities weigh in and share their favorites,...

February 2020
After years of catching a diverse array of fish for the city’s finest restaurants, the sustainable seafood champion is...

January 2020
The Varnville artist debuts new works at Charleston show in February

December 2019
What’s happening this month?

December 2019
Plant a winter window box you can deck for the holidays

October 2019
What's happening this month?

September 2019
Young adult novelist Corrie Wang on balancing restaurant and writing life, the benefits of shower-crying, and the...

April 2019
SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION: Meet some local pros with expertise on living well in the Lowcountry, from selecting a...

April 2019
What's happening this month?

April 2019
Rita’s Roots helps backyard gardens flourish 

March 2019
What's happening this month?

February 2019
Take a taste-filled walk down memory lane through some of Charleston’s most beloved 20th-century eateries, from seafood...

February 2019
Mepkin Abbey’s monks get oyster and shiitake mushrooms into the hands of the city’s top restaurants

February 2019
Susan Gregory moves from clay to wax, practicality to politics

December 2018

November 2018

October 2018
Handmade in Costa Rica, these versatile boats are built to last

September 2018
Local agricultural technology may change the way we eat

September 2018

July 2018
Feast your eyes on the spectrum of WNC's art scene

May 2018
Annuals that reseed, rain barrels, and events for green thumbs